animal husbandry department中文什么意思

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  1. Animal husbandry department , moa grassland monitoring and supervision center and chinese grassland society jointly hosted the grassland and sandstorm high - level forum at beijing grand hotel on june 17th , 2006
    畜牧业司农业部草原监理中心与中国草学会共同主办了“草原和沙尘暴高层论坛” ,并于2006年6月17日在北京圆山大酒店成功召开。
  2. He added the state ' s animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal . village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership
  3. He added the state ' s animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal . village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership
  4. He added the state s animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal . village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership
  5. There were a variety of participants , including representatives of farmers , village cadres , staff workers of county agriculture and animal husbandry departments and enterprise employees , totaling more than 20 from pengzhou , zizhong and santai , the three pilot counties of sichuan


  1. animal husbandry and breeding 什么意思
  2. animal husbandry and feed science 什么意思
  3. animal husbandry and veterinary bureau 什么意思
  4. animal husbandry bureau 什么意思
  5. animal husbandry complex 什么意思
  6. animal husbandry equipment 什么意思
  7. animal husbandry machines 什么意思
  8. animal husbandry method 什么意思
  9. animal husbandry microbiology 什么意思
  10. animal husbandry minister 什么意思


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